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Trainees Currently on an OOP

The trainees below are either currently on, or have recently completed a period of time out of training: hopefully these will give you some ideas of what is possible!

Omid Sadeghi-Alavijeh

I am doing a bioinformatics PhD looking at rare renal diseases in the 100,000 genomes project with a particular focus on cystic kidney disease. I use the latest in computational population genomics to look for new genes and mechanisms of renal disease. I am based with Professor Gale at UCL and am funded by the MRC. If you’re interested in research be it in the lab or with a (much cooler) super computer give me a shout!  

Rachel Hung

I am doing a epidemiology based PhD with Professor Frank Post (HIV physician)  and Dr Kate Bramham at King's College Hospital. My area of interest is the relationship between the APOL1 gene and kidney disease in HIV patients. 

This work is done with Dr Cheryl Winkler at the NIH in the USA. 

I am also involved in a broader range of research activities including clinical trials and observational studies that Prof Post's research team runs. If you are interested in epidemiology, come have a chat!


Michelle Allan

I am running two clinical randomised controlled drug trials in renal transplant patients at the Royal London Hospital: the first examines whether prophylactic metformin  can prevent post-transplant diabetes; the second looks at the effect of a novel drug on the immune system. These clinical projects are supported by in vivo models at Charterhouse Square, Queen Mary University of London. I am supervised by Dr Kieran McCafferty and Professor Magdi Yaqoob. I'm always happy to talk about research, trial design or how to submit amendments through that MHRA portal! 

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